Always putting Him first...

Saturday, May 8, 2010

+1 over due!

So TJ's due date has passed just as quietly as it arrived. Besides his normal bouncy self, nothing exciting happened nor am I really expecting it to. We had a Dr's appointment on Thursday and I wasn't even dialated at all yet. The doctor said she'll induce me on Monday! That means today and tomorrow I'll be by myself and then I will no longer be a 'non-parent'! Crazy to think that. I'm definitely ready.

The doctor said he's a big baby. I'm guessing 9lbs. Trav thinks like 8.12 or something. The Dr. said she would insert tablets into my cervix to soften it up in hopes of it starting to dialate. I'm kind of nervous because everyone says I could stay there over night on Monday and still not have a baby! What a loooong delivery!

But I'm still excited :)Mom will be up here tomorrow night and will be up here for atleast 7-10 days to help me. That will be nice.

I woke up this morning to eat some cereal with Trav on the front porch. He had to work today, but I wanted to spend as much time with him; just the two of us before there's the 3 of us.

I pray that all goes well and I'm forever thankful to God for this blessing. For all the ups and downs and for His miracle and gift that he's given Travis and I.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

38 weeks and 4 days

We had a Dr's appointment today. They checked me and I haven't started to dialate yet but she said my cervix was beginning to thin. She confirmed around 7.5 lbs of baby. His back is up against the left side of my tummy and he's still face down and just start to come down into the canal. His heartbeat is great. And she said that he will be able to fit through my pelvis.

So now we wait... which is extremely difficult for me. I'm ready for him to come out. Can't he tell? I just want to hold him. And I want to be his mommy for mother's day :) I'll continue to tell him to come out and that I love him; hopefully he'll listen and come very soon. Our next Dr's appointment is May 6th, the day before his due date.

For now, tomorrow I return to work and work my last day will be on Sunday. Come on TJ, mommy and daddy are ready to meet you!

Monday, April 26, 2010

37 weeks picture

Here is my latest belly picture taken a week ago. :)

11 days to go...

Wow, 11 days until Jr's due date. I totally feel ready physically. I've gotten to the point that I can't sleep good anymore because of how solid my belly is and my feet have permanently swollen up the past few days. I've been keeping track of every weird thing that happens thinking that it might be signs of true labor... but it hasn't been.

I think everything is ready:
-Washed clothes/towels
-Washed bottles
-Hospital Bag
-Diaper Bag
-Car Seat installed
-House is as clean as it's going to get considering my physical ability
-I even switched watches to my digital one to keep track of time better ;)

My last day of work is May 2nd. I go into work Wednesday to work 50 hours in the next 5 days. I'm kind of nervous about that. Yesterday while leaving church I had severe shooting pains in my pelvis that kind of took my breath away and I coudln't speak. I just held on to Trav and we stood still until it passed, whiched seemed like forever! I was trying to figure out if it was a Braxton Hicks, but I couldn't tell if my stomach was hardening because Jr feels soo big that it feels hard all the time.

I sure hope I'm a Mom on Mother's Day this year. That would be very special :)

Monday, April 12, 2010

Today: 36 weeks and 3 days

It's been quite awhile since I last posted. Work has begun to pickup for the lifeguard season and when I'm not at work, I'm either working on TJ's room, cleaning the house, or we're spending time with friends and family before the little guy gets here.

On the 27th of March, I had my baby shower. My best friends hosted it, it was beautiful and a lot of fun! There was about 30 people there! We got everything we need!! I still need to go out and get diapers, but we have plenty of clothes, towels, sheets, blankies, bottles, everything! :)

I'm starting to REALLY NOTICE being pregnant. It's hard to explain. I've always noticed my belly and TJ's little kicks, but now my belly is uncomfortably big... TJ streches and kicks hard, my feet swell off and on, my legs feel the extra weight, and the Braxton-Hicks contractions are really starting to get a little more serious and more frequent through out the week.

Travis is starting to get a little mad at me because I've been on my feet so much at work and then coming home and nesting like crazy. He thinks I need to rest more, which I wouldn't mind at all, BUT the stuff HAS to be done before our little man gets here :)

I thought that the countdown began at 30 weeks... but I think the countdown really begins at 35 weeks! It's all just a waiting game now. We have a Dr's appointment on the 19th and an ultrasound on the 22nd.

Here are a few pics of my belly from the baby shower which was now like 3 weeks ago! So you can only imgaine how much bigger it got! :)

34 weeks

Travis touched the belly with cold hands like he always tries to do!

Me & my mom put the crib together :)

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Hey Baby, you still in there?

I'm 29 weeks and 2 days preggo- Friday will be 30 weeks! Wow! My next Dr's appointment is 2 Tuesdays from now. I can't wait! They've got to be getting more interesting since I'm getting further along.

I feel like nothing has been going on but yet I've been through a lot since my last half-a$$ post. Looking back on that post it's not as detailed and exciting as I remember wanting to write about. Oh well.

We've still been working on the baby room. My mom and I painted the dresser. I put some of his clothes away, even though I'll still need to wash them. I've been reading more and more about our son and what's to expect with raising him, breastfeeding, and the rest of the pregnancy. I really want to do a natural delivery. With that said I mean vaginal and zero to minimal pain-medication. But as soon as the Dr says that it's better another way, then I'll do what she says. I just want our son to be healthy and for me to be as well.

I felt like I had a semi-overwhelming breakdown the other day. Everything just accumulated (along with my last trimester hormones!) and I had to have a cry! I was thinking about my overload of work at the job, how big I'm getting, how much more stuff we have to do in Junior's room, how tight our money is right now, and my two babysitters that I was kind of counting on in the fall fell through. Both for good reasons, one is pregnant and the other is doing a full-time internship to graduate. So thinking about actually finding a daycare to take my 2 month old to is completely awful to think about right now. :( But like my wonderful husband told me as I was crying like a baby on the phone "It's in God's hands because He knows the plans. It's meant to be the way it's going to be." I love my husband.

On to exciting news... My in-laws bought us a new bed!!! A new bed!! What an amazing present! That's what T and I have been trying to save for but had no such luck. His mom kept on insisting that she wanted to buy us this bed so that we'd sleep better at night and be well rested for the baby. She was getting upset because we kept turning her down with a No thanks. Well she went looking without us and narrowed it down to 2 and was going to get one for us whether we went and tried it or not. So T went and looked at it with her. Tonight will be the first night it's home and I can't wait to feel how comfy it is! His mom is a very Godly and caring person, i love her.

And the last exciting news is that we filed our taxes!! We should see the money within a week or two! Woop woop! Our first year filing together and WOW! It's nice being married, thank you Uncle Sam! We hope to pay off our furniture and one of my debts with it and still have enough left over for a little cushion in our checking and a chunk in our savings! Praise the Lord for He is good!

That is all of the recap for now. I'll post later about the new bed an any other exciting-ness that happens. :)

Monday, February 15, 2010


I feel the glow! I mean I really feel like I'm glowing!! Last night Trav put together the crib and today I worked on the room more and my mom also came up! I'm just glowing. It's as simple and amazing as that! Here are some recent pictures :)